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Barnaby Jones: 5x2
Deadline for Dying
Oct. 14, 1976
5 - 1
Blood Vengeance
Oct. 07, 1976
5 - 2
Deadline for Dying
Oct. 14, 1976
5 - 3
Sins of Thy Father
Oct. 21, 1976
5 - 4
The Fatal Dive
Oct. 28, 1976
5 - 5
Final Ransom
Nov. 11, 1976
5 - 6
Band of Evil
Nov. 18, 1976
5 - 7
Voice in the Night
Dec. 02, 1976
5 - 8
The Bounty Hunter
Dec. 16, 1976
5 - 9
Renegade's Child
Dec. 23, 1976
5 - 10
Fraternity of Thieves
Dec. 30, 1976
5 - 11
Sister of Death
Jan. 06, 1977
5 - 12
The Deadly Charade
Jan. 13, 1977
5 - 13
Testament of Power
Jan. 20, 1977
5 - 14
Copy-Cat Killing
Jan. 27, 1977
5 - 15
A Simple Case of Terror
Feb. 03, 1977
5 - 16
The Marathon Murders
Feb. 17, 1977
5 - 17
Duet for Dying
Feb. 24, 1977
5 - 18
Circle of Treachery
Mar. 03, 1977
5 - 19
Anatomy of Fear
Mar. 17, 1977
5 - 20
The Killer on Campus
Mar. 24, 1977
5 - 21
The Deadly Valentine
Mar. 31, 1977
5 - 22
Duet for Danger
May. 05, 1977
5 - 23
The Inside Man
May. 12, 1977
5 - 24
Run Away to Terror
May. 19, 1977
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