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Bear in the Big Blue House: 2x29

The Way I Feel Today

One morning, Bear is trying to decide on what type of tea to have — cold iced tea or hot tea. With the viewers’ help, he decides on the iced tea. He also finds Tutter trying to get some tea as well, but needing his help to get a glass and the sugar. At first, Tutter is bothered by how his small size keeps him from doing anything. Then, he helps Bear and he finds that being the opposite of big isn’t so bad after all. More opposites are explored when Bear keeps filling his lemonade glass and Pip and Pop keep emptying it. He also shows Ojo and Treelo how they can dance together, alternating their opposite favorite styles of music. In the Shadow segment, Shadow presents a feature called “Tales of Incredible Opposites,” featuring a story about Jack Sprat and his wife.


EditGood Morning (Shortened Version)



The dog in the Shadow Projects logo in the closing credits shouts “Go, Daddy!”

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